The Hong Kong that you see but don’t see  你見到但沒看到的香港

The Hong Kong that you see but don’t see 你見到但沒看到的香港

13th November 2017 3 By livinguktaiwan

Anyone who’s visited Hong Kong will be dazzled by its amazing night view.  In my opinion this is the best in the world.


Does the mouth watering food leave you wanting more after every meal in Hong Kong?


Or do you prefer to ride the “ding ding”, the famous tramway that has been around since 1904 and only costs £0.23p / NTD9 per journey?
又或者你更喜歡花 £0.23p / NTD9 坐一次”叮叮”電車? 它從1904年就已經在路上行走哩。


You would have probably read a lot about all the above already, so today I want to share with you a part of Hong Kong that you probably don’t see even if you have visited Hong Kong before. Most people probably don’t notice the scenery to and from the airport, either because they are so looking forward to enjoying themselves in Hong Kong or because they are still reminiscing the great time they have had there. In this video, I will share with you Hong Kong from my bus journey to and from the airport – the Hong Kong that you see but don’t see.  This is the first time I have made a vlog.  Hope you enjoy it.
上面提到的香港特色,你們大概已經聽過或看過不少次,所以今天我想跟大家分享一下,即使你以前來過香港,也許沒看到的另一面。大部分人來香港,可能都沒有太注意來往機場的景色,因為抵達香港後都想快點到市區,到離開時又會在回味剛過去的美好時光。在這個視頻裡,我會跟你分享我坐公車往返機場的香港 – 你見到但沒看到的香港。這是我第一次製作視頻,希望你喜歡。