Let’s go to PMQ in Hong Kong

Let’s go to PMQ in Hong Kong

17th February 2019 1 By livinguktaiwan

I’ve just returned from a week’s trip to Hong Kong. I lived and worked there for many years so Hong Kong is very much like my third home after Taiwan and UK. When I go back now I feel more like a tourist than a local, as there are many changes and new places that are new to me. PMQ in Hong Kong is one of them.
以前在香港工作及生活多年,那裏已變成我第三個家。 近年回去時,總是覺得香港已變得有點陌生。 時代不斷變遷,都市不斷更新, 新的項目和景點陸續出現,中環的元創方就是我今次新發現。


PMQ started off in 1889 as the first school in Hong Kong to provide western education.  It was very popular with the growing number of elite Chinese merchants then. The site was severely damaged during the Second World War and started to fall into derelict.  In 1951 it was rebuilt as accommodation for the police force. Then in 2010 it was announced the site would be transformed to a creative industries complex called the PMQ which sounds for Police Married Quarters!!! Now you know what PMQ stands for ^_^
元創方在19世紀末原本是香港第一間西式教育官立學校。 1951年改建成為已婚警察宿舍,直到2000年停止使用。 到2012年,在活化工程下, 已婚警察宿舍被改建為一所創意中心, 名為PMQ元創方。PMQ就是已婚警察宿舍英文的縮寫。



In my video below, I’ll show you around the complex. The two former accommodation blocks have been converted to small shops selling many local creative designed products. One of the my favourite part of the transformation are the staircases. I loved how they painted different illustrations on each of the steps which form a complete drawing.
我在片段中會帶大家遊覽這所已被列為三級歷史建築的大樓。 當日是不少警察的溫馨宿舍,今天已被石屎森林重重包圍。

Also, look out for a very interesting exhibition called Glocal Mahjong.  Mahjong is a popular card game played by Chinese (and quite a few foreigners) all around the world. The exhibitions showcases modern designed products based on the distinctive characters of the game. I hope you enjoy the tour!