The overlooked 被忽略的一群

The overlooked 被忽略的一群

16th January 2017 0 By livinguktaiwan

On a crisp winter Sunday in 2012 I set out to Wakehurst in Sussex, a beautiful botanical garden managed by the Royal Botanical Garden, Kew.


Wakehurst is a fascinating place for botanists, as it has a vast array of gardens and landscapes, and the world largest seed bank to collect and preserve seeds from around the world to save the species from extinction in the wild.


My trip wasn’t scientific of course, after all what did I know about botany? Wakehurst is a great place for a walk, and I found that even though I knew next to nothing about nature, I couldn’t help but notice all the different kinds of trees around me. I had no idea what most of these trees are, but was just fascinated by the fact that so many trees in different shapes and sizes and form co-exist together. Some are still leafy green, some have turned red and yellow, and some have lost all their leaves over the winter. All too often, I think we take trees for granted, don’t pay enough attention to them and appreciate their existence. Maybe a bit like how we treat our parents sometime perhaps?


Here are some more of my favourite tree photos that I’ve taken over the years. I can’t remember exactly where from, but somewhere in England.



I read online there are 22 top benefits of trees, but I think you only need to know and remember 3. First, it combats climate change. Second, it cleans the air. And third it provides oxygen. I can’t think of anything else more important than this.
