

20th April 2017 0 By livinguktaiwan

Another flashback from Facebook.  Last year today I moved into my new home in Taiwan.


I was telling a Taiwanese friend a while ago about my journey from UK to Taiwan to start a new chapter in my life, and that I arrived on the day of my birthday last year.  He made a very interesting comment, “So you were reborn in Taiwan” 

前陣子我跟臺灣一位朋友閒聊,談到我從英國來臺灣並在這裡展開新生活的故事。還提及去年抵步那天剛好是我生日。朋友說了一句我覺得十分貼切的話: “那你在臺灣重生噢!”

Thats a great way to look at my new life here. Thank you friend.
