My other half’s Raspberry Pi  另一半的樹莓派

My other half’s Raspberry Pi 另一半的樹莓派

6th October 2017 0 By livinguktaiwan

Recently I saw a fellow blogger blog about his new Raspberry Pi, and that reminded me of my other half’s new toy a while ago.



To say its his new toy may be a bit or understatement as you can see it’s actually a toy set. He said he wanted to build a Tiny Little Data Science Centre using a cluster of Raspberry Pi 3 model B so he bought 4. Even I don’t buy 4 handbags in one go!!!

若說是新玩具其實有一點不太貼切,正確來說應該是整套新玩具才對吧。 另一半說他想用樹莓派建造一個迷你數據中心,所以一口氣買了四台。 就算我去逛街,我也不會一次過買四個包包噢!

While he was waiting for the Raspberry Pis to be delivered, he went online to compare the prices for all the other bits and pieces needed to go with it, convincing me that he would not waste anymore money spend the least amount of money for his new project. When the Raspberry Pis were finally delivered he went on a shopping spree and ended up with all this.

在等待樹莓派送貨時,另一半到網上尋找其他的配件,還在比較價錢,跟我說會 不浪費金錢 盡量把項目的成本減到最低。 貨送到後,他馬上出動去買清單上的配件,這是他最後的收穫。pi3


In the following two weeks he spent a lot of time in front of his computer, doing …. I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that every now and then, I would hear signs of frustrations, or little cries of

  • Oh no!
  • Yes!
  • What happened?
  • Why????
  • Great stuff!
  • What’s going on?
  • $$%@!?


  • 不要這樣啊!
  • 好!
  • 發生甚麼事啊?
  • 幹嘛?
  • 這就對啦!
  • 為甚麼?
  • $$%@!?


All along he would take notes


And sometimes he would talk to me quite excitedly about the progress and the small breakthroughs he had made, which, to be honest was like music to my ears. However, being the loving wife I am, I nodded along and pretended to be really interested in his project ?

The only time that I really go involved was when he said he could give his Raspberry Pis a name, so I named them Aqua. So don’t say I didn’t take an interest in his project!

有時又會很興奮跟我談進展及一些小突破。 老實說,我並不明白(其實沒太大興趣聽 ?)他說什麼。但作為一個賢良淑德的妻子,我在他面前得裝出一副很有興趣的樣子,並很用心的去聆聽及鼓勵他。

唯一一次,他跟我說樹莓派需要取一個名字,於是我就幫它取了Aqua 。所以,不要說我完全不關心他的項目噢!


Two weeks later, he got to the stage where his cluster of Raspberry Pis were running smoothly, and shared the update on his Facebook page

兩個星期後,樹莓派迷你數據中心似乎到了一個很關鍵的地步,於是他就在臉書上跟朋友分享。 這段分享我不打算翻譯成中文,因為對我來說,跟看法文或意大利文沒差。聽說,看得懂就看得懂,看不懂就看不懂 ?

Just spent about 2 weeks building a cluster of 4 x raspberry pi 3 model B.

First, I ran MPICH2 to verify the successful interworkng of multiple CPUs. Then, a cluster version of Hadoop distributed file system was installed after resolving network configuration issues and overcoming unfamiliar Linux command line interface. Finally, the experimental “Big Data” platform is ready. The next step is to add Apache Spark with Scala development and other necessary tools.


My other half says he’s already added the “Apache Spark with Scala development and other necessary tools…. ” and now he’s going to convert an old PC into Linux and add it as the 5th node to the cluster. I guess I will be hearing more about this in the coming days, so I’d better put on my loving wife look again!

另一半說他現在已經加了那些甚麼 Apache Spark, Scala development 等等。聽說下一步要把我們家一台很舊的電腦改裝成Linux ,然後連到迷你數據中心變成第五個 node。看來我還是要繼續扮演 一個賢良淑德妻子耶!

Happy weekend!  週末愉快!