921 Earthquake 大地震

921 Earthquake 大地震

6th July 2017 7 By livinguktaiwan

On 21st September 1999 a massive earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Ritcher scale hit Central Taiwan killing over 2700 people and injuring over 11,000. It was the second deadliest earthquake recorded in Taiwan. This is known as the 921 Earthquake or Jiji Earthquake, Jiji being the epicentre.
1999年9月21日台灣中部發生一場7.3級大地震,有超過2700人死亡,11000人受傷 。這是台灣有記錄以來錄到第二傷亡最嚴重的地震。這次災害被稱為921大地震或集集大地震,因為震央就在集集鎮。

About a kilometre away from Jiji train station is Wu Chang Temple, and is definitely worth visiting if you’re in the area. At first glance, Wu Chang Temple doesn’t look any different from the thousands of other temples in Taiwan, solemn, grand and bling. 

Credit http://www.135travel.com/news/html/?556.html

However, the original temple behind it is totally different.然而,在它後面原本的武昌宮卻是完全不一樣。

When the earthquake hit, it bought down the lower level of the temple, crumbling like a pack of cards. The upper floor ended up resting on top at ground level. The quake was so powerful that it bent the internal supporting steel bars into big S shaped. The corner decorative structures fell slightly sideways but other than that, the entire upper floor remained pretty much intact.
地震發生當天,武昌官底層像撲克牌一般倒塌下來。廟宇內的鋼筋被壓到大S 型,上層就順著往下沉到地面。前方兩邊角位的裝飾往側傾斜,然而除了這樣,上層並沒有受到甚麼其他嚴重損害,仍然矗立起來。wu chang 3wu chang 1

England is not at an earthquake prone area, so I’ve never experienced an earthquake before, until last year when I came to Taiwan.  One day I was sitting on the sofa at home playing on my mobile. Suddenly, I felt the tremor, and I could feel my surroundings shaking, it was an odd and slightly scarey feeling. Since then, every time I visited the temple, I’m always in awe of the power of nature and how fragile we are in comparison. There was one visit where I felt slightly different. That day, we arrived quite late just before it was starting to get dark. Looking at the temple, I suddenly had an eerie feeling, sending a shiver down my back.

The temple is now kept as a reminder of the 921 earthquake. Some of the external walls have been strengthened to support the structure, but other than that it has been left alone. You can walk around the remains and even take a peep inside from the back to get an idea of the damage caused.

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