Undergoing surgery 動手術

Undergoing surgery 動手術

18th November 2018 0 By livinguktaiwan

Undergoing surgery. That’s my Laptop, not me.  I’m fine. Don’t worry!
是筆電,不是我! 不用擔心。
Undergoing surgery

It all started when I bought my GoPro a couple of months ago.  You may have noticed that I’ve been posting quite a few videos lately. Well, I’ve been learning how to edit videos but Laptop is quite old and the rendering takes ages.  Short of replacing Laptop, IT Support, aka husband, suggested he could do a transplant on it. He said he could swap its hard disk for an SSD one.
自從兩個月前買了Go Pro,就發現原來筆電處理視頻較慢。畢竟它已有一點年紀。家中電腦顧問說如果不換新的,可以換掉硬盤,轉成SSD,這樣處理I/O會較快。今天拆開筆電先作身體檢查檢查,裝嵌好後發現鍵盤沒反應。應該是剛才不小弄壞了,真是倒楣!結果買硬盤和零件,又要多買一個新鍵盤。現在顧問正在幫電腦動手術。久不久會聽到他的喃喃自語,不知是好是壞。期待電腦手術成功,明天我可以繼續用電腦寫文章。

This is the part where he (and I suppose all geeks) gets so excited because they can get their hands dirty again.  In dummy terms, Laptop’s hard disk is a mechanical one so takes ages to process I/O (input output). An SSD hard disk can do it much faster. Doing this means I can keep Laptop, and (in theory) it will be more efficient.
Undergoing surgery

Today IT Support offered to do a preliminary checkup on Laptop before operating on it.  When he opened it up and took Keyboard off, I found bits of Crisps and Sandwich Crumbs. I had lost them some time ago and wondered where they had gone.  So that’s where they’ve been hiding all this time!!

When Laptop was put back together, it booted up. All good. But then parts of Keyboard were playing up and refused to function. Whoops! Collateral damage during the preliminary checkup. Not a good start.

Now Keyboard has a double, which I think is rather funky.  The only downside is when I take Laptop out now,   I have to take Keyboard as well.  That’s a bit of a pain.
Undergoing surgery

The rest of the supplies for the operation are in.  Laptop is undergoing surgery. IT Support is operating on Laptop and I’m hearing mumbles every now and then.  I don’t know if it’s a good sign or not. Hopefully Laptop will be up and running tomorrow so I can write a proper post. Wish it and me good luck.
Undergoing surgery

Undergoing surgery