Tram ride in Hong Kong

Tram ride in Hong Kong

27th February 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

“叮叮” 是香港電車的暱稱, 更是香港港島區從連貫東西區不可缺少的一部分。 不論遠近車程只需$2.6 港幣,絕對是在香港”遊車河” 的好節目。 在影片中,我從中環出發經過匯豐總行到灣仔舊區,然後到達港島著名購物中心和飲食天堂的銅鑼灣。 香港美麗的夜景從電車上看又是另一番風味。

The tram ride is an integral part of Hong Kong and a must do for all tourists visiting the city. It is affectionately called the “ding ding” by the locals due to the sound it makes as it travels along the busy road. See if you can catch it in my video.

In my video, I’ll take you on a ding ding ride on a Saturday night through the busy Hong Kong streets. I start my journey from Central, outside the HSBC headquarters, through Wanchai, an older part of town and then to the busy shopping district of Causeway Bay. If you’ve never experienced the tram ride before, I’m sure you’ll be itching your feet to visit Hong Kong now. Hope you enjoy the ride!