The Proms 夏季逍遙音樂會

14th July 2016 1 By livinguktaiwan

夏天來臨,又是英倫夏季逍遙音樂會The Proms季節開始。逍遙音樂會的起源可追溯至18世紀中期。當時的樂隊經常在公園作戶外演出,因為公園裡周圍都較少座位所以聽眾就會一邊在公園周圍散步一邊悠閒地欣賞音樂。

現在每年夏季的逍遙音樂由英國廣播公司BBC舉辦,在倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳Royal Albert Hall演出。今年將有90場古典音樂會由7月15日開始, 而重頭戲是9月10日舉行的逍遙音樂會之最後一夜The Last Night of the Proms。近年來,BBC在一些音樂會混合現代流行曲元素,紅透80年代的英國流行電子音樂組合Pet Shop Boys及新進女創作歌手Paloma Faith曾經在2014年參與演出。而今年就有紀念大衛·鮑伊David Bowie的音樂慶典,另外流行爵士樂歌手傑米·卡倫Jamie Cullum也會演出。這些現代配古典音樂會帶出另一番韻味,每年門票必會很快被搶購一空。

逍遙音樂會的目的是將古典音樂普及化,令更多人能認識和懂得欣賞。活動非常平民化,最便宜的門票不用£10,最昂貴的也不用£100。而且你去The Proms是不需要穿華麗燕尾服或晚裝喔!如果你是一個古典音樂愛好者而夏季碰巧在倫敦, 這絕對值得一去。就算你不喜愛或不太懂得古典音樂,去體驗這傳統逍遙音樂會,及欣賞皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳的美麗建築也可以過一個很英式的晚上。



Summer is here and its time for The Proms. The Proms or the promenade concerts, originates back to the mid 18th century when outdoor concerts were played in public gardens whilst people strolled around leisurely listening to the orchestra.

In modern days, The Proms is organized by the BBC in summer each year at the Royal Albert Hall in London.  This year it starts on 15th July and there will be ninety concerts with the highlight being the The Last night of the Proms held on 10th September.  In recent years the BBC have modernised this classical event by mixing modern pop with classical performance in some of the concerts.  For example, this year there is a celebration of David Bowie’s music,  Jamie Cullum will perform, as did Pet Shop Boys and Paloma Faith back in 2014.

The purpose of the Proms is to educate the people about classical music and make it more popular so it is not a formal event.  You will be pleased to know no black tie tuxedo or evening gown is required.  Tickets costs as little as £10 and the most expensive ones are still under £100.  If you happen to be in London during summer it is worth a visit particularly if you are a classical music lover.  If not, just go to experience The Proms and admire the inside of the Royal Albert Hall  will be great night out.

The Proms is now a quintessential part of the British summer, and apart from The BBC Proms other events are held all over the country, such as the small park in my home town as shown in the photo. Next time I will share with you the Battle of Proms that I went to a few years ago.  Remember to check back in a few days time!