Records Pour  廢物… 再利用

Records Pour 廢物… 再利用

24th July 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

Do you remember my post from a few weeks ago where I had an Accident hanging over head?   That time I was actually climbing onto the chair to some photos of my new hobby, acrylic pouring.  Acrylic pouring is where you pour acrylic paint over canvas to create an artwork.

I found some old useless records at home the other week, and thought they would come in very handy to do an acrylic pour.  This is the first time I’ve tried it, and I did two.
之前幾個星期在家裏找到些又舊有沒有用的黑膠碟。 既然是廢物就要盡量利用。 最近在學習流動畫,用來做畫板就最適合不過。

The first one wasn’t very successful as I couldn’t guage how much paint I needed and I ended up with too much blue. The second one was slightly better as I changed the colour scheme and poured over a coke bottle bottom. In my video I will show you how I did the second pour.
第一張廢物黑膠碟太多藍色, 很不滿意。 之後換了顏色系列,第二張好看得多。 第一次做黑膠碟流動畫,成績也總算過得去。

The old useless records proved extra useful at dinner time when they doubled up as table mat for my rice box!
到晚飯時,原來廢物黑膠碟封套也有點兒用。 吃便當/飯盒要用餐墊,就用它吧!