Penglai Waterfall – nature’s orchestra

Penglai Waterfall – nature’s orchestra

26th June 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

A couple of weeks ago I went on a walk to Hanshini.  Later on in that afternoon I went to visit a waterfall at Gukeng called the Penglai Waterfall. The walk from the car park takes about fifteen minutes and during this time I listened to the most beautiful piece of music played by nature’s orchestra. The sound in my video has not been edited and what you hear is what I recorded.

週末去了台灣中部古坑的蓬萊瀑布。 從停車場走路大概15分鐘。首先經過一條合家歡步道,然後走過蓬萊吊橋。 這個時候開始下雨, 四周響起水聲,分不清究竟是雨聲還是瀑布聲。到達蓬萊瀑布時真的有點狼狽。但看到眼前的飛瀑流泉, 從高高的石壁如銀河吊掛, 完全忘記自己站在大雨中。

沿路上,我欣賞了一場大自然的樂章。 完全沒有經過修輯的版本在影片中跟大家分享。

The walk starts off along an easy level path suitable for the whole family, then I went across the Penglai suspension bridge. By now it started to rain again as it had been raining on and off all day. Luckily I had a raincoat with me, and by the time I got to the front of the waterfall, I was pretty much drenched!


The Penglai Waterfall has a 100m drop, and is normally about 5 to 6 meters wide in the summer. Wider if it has been raining like when I was here. It was really impressive, watching and listening to the water pounding against the face of the cliff and thundering into the pool below. From there it continued its journey gushing along the stream and down the mountain. I was standing in the rain, but I forgot about the rain, It had become part of the waterfall, as if I was actually in the waterfall.

Normally I like to include some background music to my video, but I figured there’s is no music that is better than the original one this time. I hope you will like it and agree with me. Enjoy!

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