How long are you willing to wait for gourmet food? 要等兩個月才有的蛋卷

How long are you willing to wait for gourmet food? 要等兩個月才有的蛋卷

19th February 2019 0 By livinguktaiwan

How long are you willing to wait for gourmet food? One hour? Two months? Duck Shing Ho is a famous brand of egg rolls in Hong Kong, popular with with locals and tourist alike (perhaps more of the latter than former). It’s normal to queue for over an hour to buy a box of egg rolls, and that’s if your lucky to get there early enough in the morning! Otherwise, you’ll be welcomed by the sold out sign outside the door.
德成號是香港的老牌著名蛋卷店。 平日還未開店,長龍已出現。想吃的話,最少要輪候一小時以上才可以買到熱爆的蛋卷。 通常開賣不久就會售罄,讓很多捧場客要失望而回。

I saw on the internet, back in early December they announced that all their stock for the next two months were reserved for Christmas and new year orders. Shop sales would resume in early February. That’s a two whole months wait!!! By chance, I was staying nearby their shop during my recent trip to Hong Kong. Once morning, I passed by just after they had reopened, and there was no queue. I quickly went in and bought two boxes of their famous egg rolls.
從網上看,德成號在去年12月初已宣布未來兩個月的預定已額滿,門市要到2月初才再開賣!我剛好在開賣後幾天經過,客人不多, 不用5分鐘就買到兩盒熱爆的蛋卷。

The egg rolls were really nice and crispy, no wonder people were willing to wait so long to get their hands on them. Hong Kong is a foodie heaven and you can find gourmet food all over the place. I don’t think I would wait two months, or even an hour for something. What about you?
蛋卷入口鬆脆, 蛋味很香。怪不得很多人願意一大清早去排隊,還只能買限購份量。 好吃歸好吃, 香港美食多 ,如果要我排這麼久,我寧願找別的美食。你呢?