Can anyone beat Usain Bolt無敵?

Can anyone beat Usain Bolt無敵?

9th August 2016 0 By livinguktaiwan

Olympic has started!  Four years ago  I was at the London 2012 Olympic Park watching the athletics。  This is probably once in a lifetime opportunity on my home turf, so although our tickets were for the evening events, we arrived at the Olympic Park well early in the afternoon to soak up the fantastic atmosphere。奧運會又經開始了!四年前我正在倫敦看奧運田徑比賽。難得老家是主辦國,這千載難逢的機會當然不會放過,所以一早已購買門票。雖然門票是看晚上的賽事,但我提早在下午已到達奧林匹克公園,去感受現場的歡樂氣氛。



Once we’d done the tour around the park, we decided to go into the stadium a bit earlier before all the crowds started to pile in。 Our seats were pretty much in front of the 200m starting point, a great treat as we were to find out later on in the evening。參觀完奧林匹克公園及其他場館後,我們決定在還未有太多人之前早一點進入運動場,順便可欣賞主場館場內環境。原來我們的座位是在二百米賽事起點面前, 正是個欣賞比賽及拍照的超級好位置。



The evening started off with a lot of field events which were mainly the qualifying stages as it was still in the early days of the events。  I was most impressed with the mini minis carrying the javelins back to the starting point。 They were so cute!  Next, were the track events where we witnessed the final for various events and the glorious moments as the winners proudly paraded around the stadium。 因為田徑賽剛開始不久,所以當晚有不少賽事還在初賽階段,不過仍然非常精彩。最令我印象深刻返而是大會利用電動模型車把標槍帶回到起點。這小幚手實在太可愛喔!當晚也有好幾場徑跑決賽,場內不分國籍的觀眾熱烈地為所有參賽者打氣。賽後獎牌得主披著國旗繞場跟大家慶祝他們輝煌這一刻,大家看到都替他們高興。


Loved these little cars that carried the javelins back to the starting point



Aries Merritt winning gold in the 110m hurdles


Natalya Antyukh winning gold in the 400m hurdles


Allyson Felix winning gold the 200m

The highlight of our games was the 200m men’s semi final which included none other than Usain Bolt, the “Lightning ” and Yohan Blake “The Beast” 。We got some really good shots of all the sprinters prepping themselves before the race, including Usain Bolt who was so relaxed and was flirting with the crowd as he normally does。  Both men won their semi final heat, with Bolt going on to win the 200m final, as well as the 100m and 4 x 100m relay medals。 對我來說,當晚重頭戲是二百米男子準決賽,參賽者包括尤塞恩.柏特Usain Bolt及約翰·布雷克Yohan Blake。因為我們座位正在起跑線前,所以可以很清楚看到運動員在集中精神做賽前熱身準備,反而柏特就跳皮地跟大家開玩笑。最後兩人當然都能進入決賽,而柏特最後除了贏得二百米冠軍,更包辦一百米和四乘一百米接力金牌。


To date Bolt still holds the world record for both 100m and 200m sprint and is regarded as the world’s fastest man。  This is an incredible achievement considering he has held these records since 2009。 Bolt has already announced that he will retire after the World Championships next summer, can he break his own world record before that?  Yohan Blake is probably the person closest to breaking the record but he has still not quite managed to crack it。He is 26 already, and considered to be in an athlete’s prime, does he still have the stamina to make the breakthrough?  Or will we see a rising star in this year’s Olympic games who will give us a hope that something remarkable may happen?  Or is it simply a fact that we have reach the human physical limits, and science and technology boundaries permitted in competitive sports, and that further breakthrough may be difficult?  Only time will tell.

